PFDN: Dry Needling for Pelvic Floor Conditions

Course Description: This introductory dry needling (DN) course is intended for current pelvic floor therapists without prior DN experience. Participants will review lumbopelvic anatomy, then learn dry needling foundational education and safety, as well as the clinical integration of needling techniques to influence neuromusculoskeletal impairments of the trunk, pelvis, hip and pelvic floor. This lab-intensive course provides therapists with additional intervention tools to manage pelvic pain, sexual dysfunctions, abdominal pain, coccydynia, hip/groin pain, and bladder dysfunctions, and during the course there will be ample dialogue surrounding clinical integration and relevant evidence.

Course Objectives:
1. Described the indications, precautions, contraindications, and benefits of dry needling for neuromusculoskeletal dysfunctions related to the pelvic floor, pelvic girdle, trunk, hip, and perineal region.

2. Develop the psychomotor skills necessary to use dry needling safely and competently in clinical practice for the diagnosis and treatment of neuromusculoskeletal conditions related to the pelvic floor, pelvic girdle, trunk, hip, and perineal region.

3. Review of the lumbar, pelvic, perineal, and hip anatomy for safe needle application.

4. Demonstrate understanding, safety, parameters, and appropriate use of electrical stimulation with dry needling for pain management and incontinence.

5. Clinical integration of the use of dry needling interventions for common pelvic floor and pelvic girdle pathologies.

6. Live instruction with practical and safe application of DN to the abdominal wall, pubic symphysis and pelvic girdle, anterior and posterior hip muscles, lumbar spine, scars, and the male and female pelvic floor muscles (superficial and deep)

Course Framework: Dry needling will be taught within the framework of western musculoskeletal diagnoses, evidence-based guidelines, recommended “point” locations, and dosages for the use of dry needling in the treatment of specific neuromusculoskeletal impairments of the trunk, pelvis, hip and pelvic floor.

Prerequisites: No prerequisites are needed for this introductory 3-day, 24-hour dry needling course; however, registrants must be a licensed PT, ATC, DC, MD, DO, NP, PA, OT, or acupuncturist in their respective state or country. No previous DN experience is necessary. Internal pelvic floor muscle assessment will not be reviewed in this course. All dry needling courses are approved by FSBPT (ProCert), BOC (Category A CEUs), APTA, TPTA, FPTA, and the respective State PT Board. However, unlike the DN-1, DN-2 and DN-3 courses that are approved by the NJPTBE, the PFDN course does not count towards the 80-hour requirement for NJ PTs.

Course Attire Recommendations: During practice, you will needle and will be needled in the following body regions: anterior hip and thigh, trunk, posterior hip and thigh, and pelvic floor. Wearing a loose, comfortable pair of shorts or a skirt is recommended so your lab partner can access these body regions. Bring a flat sheet for adequate draping for privacy during the lab sessions.

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