Dr. Kevin BryantPT, Dip. Osteopractic, RMSK

    AAMT Instructor

    Mr. Bryant is an Osteopractic Physical Therapist in Bowling Green, Kentucky. He primarily treats work-related related injuries at manufacturing sites. Mr. Bryant received a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science from Western Kentucky University. He went on to earn a Master of Science in Physical Therapy from the University of Findlay.

    Mr. Bryant is Certified in Spinal Manipulative Therapy (Cert. SMT) and Certified in Dry Needling (Cert. DN). He also received the Diploma in Osteopractic through the American Academy of Academy of Manipulative Therapy and is a Registered Musculoskeletal Ultrasonographer (RMSK). Mr. Bryant is an expert in the use of ultrasound for the diagnosis and management of musculoskeletal injuries.

    In his spare time, Mr. Bryant likes to hunt, watch sports, and spend time with family.

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